Alameda's Health & Wellness Ministry provides health teaching for individuals or groups that addresses such topics as healthy lifestyles, preventative self-care, and spiritual practices for health and healing. The caring environment of the faith community is ideal for both formal and informal health teaching.

The ministry provides opportunities for some of our health care professionals to utilize their talents by sharing their knowledge and training with members in the congregation. Additionally, the ministry has implemented an emergency response team to provide medical assistance if needed. 

Monthly Meals for the Homeless

The homeless population has grown significantly in recent years, and there is a great need for help. Our Health & Wellness Ministry is providing a way for us to help those less fortunate. 

We are preparing meals and snack bags to be distributed to the homeless in our community. 

This will be an ongoing project to serve others with basic needs. If you would like to help, bring any of the items listed below to the church and place them in the containers in the lobby. 

Monetary donations are also accepted; make your check payable to Alameda Church of Christ, and write "Homeless Meals" on the memo line. 


Volunteers to help prepare meals once per month

Non-perishable food such as fruit cups, soft granola bars, pudding cups

"Don't forget to do good, and to share with those in need." Hebrews 13:16