Our prayer is that each class will have a community of support and friendship that can connect outside of Sunday mornings as well!
Adult 1 - Survey of the Pentateuch, taught by Randy Johns (Room 188) This class is made up of mostly single and married young adults.
Adult 2 - Apologetics, taught by James Smith (Room 189) This class is made up of mostly parents with children or teens still at home.
Adult 3 - Sermon on the Mount, taught by Mike Hughes (Room 185) This class is made up of mostly empty nesters in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.
Adult 4 - Epistle of James, taught by Jim Brickman (Room 186) This class is made up mostly of those who are in their 60s and up.
Ladies Class - Various topics, taught by Lois Cox-Marshall, Colleen Bennett, Mary Johnson (Parlor)
Deep Dive Class - Verse by verse study, taught by Kevan Parker (Room 165) This class is for adults of all ages.
College Class - Apologetics, taught by DeWayne Mitchell (Room 151/152 - meets during the school year)
Youth (6th-12th grade students) - A Study of the Book of Acts (Youth Room in the Family Life Center)
Children's classes are available for kids (birth–5th grade) in our the children's area.
Click here for more information about Kids Ministry classes.
Click here for more information about Youth Ministry classes.
Adult Bible Class Teacher/Topic Rotation (Sept 2024-Aug 2026)
Our Adult 1, Adult 2, Adult 3, and Adult 4 classes are part of a 2-year teacher rotation. Once you join a class, if you remain in the class, you will have the opportunity to hear from all of the 8 teachers/topics between 2024 and 2026.
Fall & Spring Quarter Classes:
Apologetics, taught by James Smith
Sermon on the Mount, taught by Mike Hughes
Epistle of James, taught by Jim Brickman
Survey of the Pentateuch, taught by Randy Johns
Winter & Summer Quarter Classes:
"Perspectives on Science and Christian Thought" (Genesis 1 & 2), taught by Greg Vaughan
"Thy Kingdom Come" (The Gospels), taught by Keith Lough
"Faith Is the Victory!" (The Letters of John), taught by Randy Johns
"Christ, Campbell, and the 21st Century Church" (Restoration History), taught by Lynn Franklin