College is a time to connect. You will join clubs, lead groups, and do things together you would never do alone. You will make connections that will last a lifetime. So how do you connect to a faith community that’s going to work for you? A community that struggles like you, worships when and where you can worship, and is designed not for a nuclear family of four but for a college student like you? That's what we do, that's who we are. We are Sooners and we are for Christ. The Sooners for Christ ministry is a college ministry designed to minister to you, serve with you, and be the faith community you need while you are at the University of Oklahoma. Located adjacent to OU’s campus at the Outreach Center, and under the eldership of Alameda Church of Christ, the Sooners for Christ ministry is made for you because we are you.
College is a time to ask questions. Who are you? What do you want? What do you value? We understand. We believe the most important thing you can be, do, or value is your relationship with God. Everything starts and ends there. We are here to help you go deeper in that relationship. To know a God whose loudest word to you is Love and whose greatest gift to you is Grace. Asking questions is great, asking the right questions is even better.
College is a time for new things. You will meet new people, dream new dreams, and have new experiences. Your world will grow and you will grow with it. But what about your faith? Will it grow? Will it become new? Will you engage in the work God is doing all over the world or sit on the sidelines for four years? We are getting knee deep in a gracious invasion that is not happy with the status quo but wants to make everything new and we want you to come with us.